Lorem ipsum dolor amet

Lorem ipsum dolor amet



Quickly figure out what time you need to go to sleep, wake up and leave.

What time do you need to be at your destination? 12-hour format


Oops, looks like you made an error!
Don't be so greedy with minutes...
Unexpected events, like traffic accidents and mass transit delays, can make your commute take longer. So, add a few extra minutes of padding to insure you arrive on time!

How many hours and minutes do you need to get ready?


Keep the total hours under 12.
It takes you x hours to get ready?

How long is your commute?
Find out with Google Maps »


Keep the total hours under 12.
Is your commute really x hours?

Do you want to add some padding to your commute?
What's This?


Keep the total hours under 12.
You sure you need x hours of padding?